Thursday, July 28, 2011

A gang of New York police officers attack a celebrating community in Queens, turning a peaceful event into chaos

Uploaded by on Jul 25, 2011

July 24 2011 - Jackson Heights, Queens, New York.

Hundreds of Uruguayans took to the streets in celebration of their championship victory in Copa America at 5:00pm Eastern Time. What was supposed to be chants of pride and joy quickly turned into a scene of police brutality.

Fifteen minutes into the celebration, an army of police from the 115th precinct bombarded the area to clear the streets using unnecessary force injuring Innocent people. The footage captures one man being repeatedly kicked and beaten with batons and nightsticks by several police officers while other officers held him face down.

More officers realized people taking footage and tried to shield view of onlookers as well as knocking cameras and phones out of peoples hands.

The chaos the police created forced people to run into local shops for safety. One bakery called the "Grand Uruguaya" has surveillance videos that captured a large group of police officers, who entered without any provocation and began flipping tables, kicking chairs and hitting people with nightsticks; ultimately ripping a Uruguayan flag adding insult to injury.

Police brutality and abuse of authority is becoming a huge concern for us all.

Information from

1 comment:

  1. Go back to Uruguay and try that with your Police there and see where that gets you. Be thankful you are in the United States and they didn't just kill you.
