Friday, July 8, 2011

People under 18 no longer allowed outside after 6PM, 20 new surveillance cameras to protect you from "flash mobs" in a US county

Published on Jul 8, 2011 by

Cuyahoga County Sheriff Bob Reid said police chiefs around the area have met and plan to crack down on riot-causing flash mobs.

Big Brother now goes after flash mobs by monitoring social networks. Next event to be stopped by the pigs in blue? A squirt gun fight in a public park, which is being closed to prevent any kids, teens or adults from having any fun in the sun.

Ah America, the land of the free.. as long as you follow the rules and keep your mouth shut!


  1. everyone under 18 should protest this bullshit and all show up downtown right at 6PM something this week... lets call it a flash protest!

  2. Would be better if you wrote "allowed" instead of "aloud", as such mistakes makes you look unprofessional. Just saying.

  3. @Anonymous Thanks. I noticed it right before your comment. I hate when I do that.

  4. So basically this means that it is now illegal to use social media to organize assemblies... Is anyone voting on this or is this just up to the cops? I call Bull Shit on this county!

  5. Why does it seem that the typical reaction in this country is always something along the lines of a knee-jerk one? So just because the actions of a few don't sit well with others, everybody is suddenly banned from going about their lives and forced to abide by a freaking CURFEW? Why have we allowed ourselves to live as if the United States is a dictatorship?

  6. Curfew me. I'll make sure you have a reason for martial law too.

  7. Sad, very sad. I am 56 and love flash mobs and think they are the coolest thing ever. If I was a teenager now I would probably bang my head into a wall all of the time or get high in order to not have to face the reality. The police is out of control, they do not have any skills in deflating situations with young adults that are bored stiff out of their minds, and with nothing to do. Where are skate parks, teen center where kids could hang out and socialize? Ahhh, forgot, we have to build up Afghanistan first, maybe if some money is left over then we can focus on the US and it's internal problems. Kids, vote, whatever you do, do not turn your backs to politics, vote then it will make a difference one day.
    Money rules the world, so start ruling the money!! Aloha
